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About New Moon Counseling

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The new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, resulting in a dark night sky. In some belief systems, it is symbolic of new beginnings, in others, it represents a time of subconscious turmoil. Greek mythology associates the new and waning moon with the goddess Hecate – wise crone and keeper of crossroads. Metaphorically, it is a time of turning inward, a time of leaning into the depths and facing the unknown or that which lies hidden. For many of us, this is an extremely vulnerable and potentially frightening act. Fortunately, it does not need to be undertaken alone.


​At New Moon Counseling we seek to support individuals choosing the courageous path of self-examination. We hold the lamp and walk

by your side as you take steps toward your own healing. Sessions are a co-creation of what you bring (your strengths, challenges, and unique essence) and our own relationally-based clinical approaches. As part of this co-creation, we may offer concrete tools and practices to support continued growth. These may take the form of mindfulness and self-compassion exercises, creative interventions utilizing play, art, or journaling, worksheets to grow cognitive awareness, or general psychoeduation so that you may better understand the workings of your own nervous system, emotional responses, etc. 


At its heart, New Moon Counseling is rooted in connection: connection to one another through genuine, caring relationship, connection to the wounded as well as the flourishing parts of ourselves, connection to the natural world and the mysteries embedded in it. Expect to be met with curiosity, compassion, and play. Expect to see your own light reflected. 


“A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly. Patience with small details makes perfect a large work, like the universe.” - Rumi



Hello there! We are Matt and Caitlin Cavanaugh, a partnered pair with similar therapeutic backgrounds but fairly different styles of supporting you in getting where you'd like to go.  Between the two of us, we work with children, adolescents, and adults facing a variety of issues from general anxiety to eating disorders, behavioral challenges to relationship discord, gender dysphoria to mood disorders, and so on. The heart of our practice is rooted in present-centeredness, compassion, and forming genuine, healthy relationship. We also like to get outside! For more information about each of us individually, click on the pictures below. 


Matt Cavanaugh

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

MA Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Wilderness Therapy

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Caitlin Cavanaugh

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

MA Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Wilderness Therapy

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